A blog to find authors and books, thoughts about life and writing and a place for book reviews.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Review for At His Command
At His Command
Interview with Brenda Coulter
1. Where did you get the idea for your story?My editor asked me to write Book 3 of the six-book, multi-author "Homecoming Heroes" series. She gave me the names and ages of the hero and heroine, their current occupations, and said she wanted a story about a jaded older man who finds himself charmed by a younger woman.
2. How did it become a part of the Homecoming Heroes series?(See above.)
3. What gave you the idea for the plot?I really couldn't say. I fiddled with and discarded several ideas before it started coming together. That's how it always works for me.
4. What inspired the title for you story?It was assigned by my editor. I have to say I had a problem with it at first, because "At His Command" suggests the hero is a military officer--and when the book opened, my hero had already left the army and become a civilian attorney. But then it occurred to me that "At His Command" could be a reference to the fact that by the end of the story, both the hero and heroine have decided to serve God fully. So that worked out great.
5. What was the most difficult thing about writing Jake and Maddie’s story?I really don't think in terms of "easy" parts and "hard" parts when I'm writing. It's all a wonderful challenge!
6. How much research did you have to do?Quite a bit. But it was all fascinating, especially what I learned about Apache helicopters.
7. What advice would you give to those desiring to write romance?Read romance every day. Pay special attention to how the author is whipping up your emotions and try to figure out what techniques she's using to accomplish that. Romance is all about emotion!
8. What was your favorite thing about writing At His Command?As always, I loved writing the "guy" scenes, especially the ones where you see Jake's befuddlement over his developing love for Maddie.
9. How long have you been writing? How many other books have you written? How many published? I began writing in December 2000. Not counting my work-in-progress, I have completed seven romance novels and sold four of them.
10. Any words of wisdom for new writers?Don't take yourself too seriously. Have fun!
Thanks Brenda, this is a great book and hope many go out and buy it.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Interview with S. Dionne Moore

I had an agent tell me she loved my spunky, mature women characters. I decided to base a story around such a character and since Barbour was starting a new mystery line and I just happen to love mysteries, I gave it a shot. LaTisha’s height is based on one of my close friends, with Hardy’s based on her husband—they make quite the couple, just like Hardy and LaTisha.
2. What gave you the idea for the plot?
I love history. Old ghost towns and treasure hunts. . .pirates and cops and robbers. . .well, my imagination got so stirred up I decided to use a modern town whose businesses occupied old buildings. Then I spiked that with the town legend of the assayer stealing gold from Maple Gap citizens and getting shot for his deed.
3. Who chose the clever title?
Originally, LaTisha’s story was called Get Off My Bunions, but when it became a mystery, my editor and I decided Murder on the Ol’ Bunions would be a better fit.
4. What was the most difficult thing about writing this story?
Ugh, making sure all the clues tied in and that no thread of the plot had been dropped. Writing a mystery is TIGHT writing.
5. What was the most fun?
I love doing the scenes between Hardy and LaTisha. They are so much fun and so real to me. Hardy is LaTisha’s conscience when she gets carried away, and his softness plays well against her tough gal demeanor. Of course, LaTisha is really a teddy bear inside too.
6. What advice would you give to those desiring to write mystery?
Start with something else. Writing a mystery is much more difficult than writing a romance where there are only two main characters. Mysteries involve so many clues and red herrings, twists and turns. . .it’s pure craziness trying to keep everything straight.
7. What is your favorite thing about writing?
Doing the writing is my favorite part. I hate editing. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Once I’ve finished a story, I want to take a break from it. A LONG break, but I seldom get that opportunity since content edits and line edits are a reality of signing a contract.
8. Any words of wisdom for new writers?
Try your hand at writing in a completely different genre than you imagined. So many get stuck writing in one genre that they never stretch themselves. I wrote historicals for years. Murder on the Ol’ Bunions was my first try at a mystery. Can you believe that? If I hadn’t taken the plunge I would have never known I could do it.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Murder on the Old Bunions
Leave a comment and enter a drawing for this book.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
This week I'm offering a free copy of the novella, Sugar and Grits. It contains 4 stories by DiAnne Mills, Janice Thompson, Kathleen Y'Barbo and myself. The stories revolve around four women who are good friends in the finest of southern traditions. Set in Calista, Mississippi, you'll find laughter, tears, and fun in all the stories. DiAnne's story Mississippi Mud is also a finalist for BOTY for ACFW. So leave a comment and earn a chance to learn more about Berta, Dottie Jean, Sassy, and Sue Ellen.