Tips for those editor/agent meetings
The key is being prepared before making the appointment.
- Know the genre of your manuscript and research the houses publishing your genre.
- Read the guidelines of that house and be certain your manuscript meets them all.
- Sign up for your appointment.
Before the appointment.
- Learn all you can about the editor.
- Make a file for your manuscript. (Not the manuscript itself, but notes)
- Business card
- One sheet with your manuscript info and your biography
- 70 word or less blurb of your manuscript
- One or two sentence summary of your manuscript
- Sheet with the name and picture (if possible) of the editor and the guidelines for that publisher.
- Memorize and practice your pitch with your spouse, your friends, your critique partners, whoever will listen.
- Make a list of questions you might ask the editor concerning your manuscript, their house, or guidelines.
- Make notes if they request a manuscript as to when they want it, how to address it etc. (If your manuscript isn’t finished, and a full is requested, make note of the deadline you or the editor sets.) If for a proposal, give the editor an idea of when it will be sent.
- Be polite, not pushy. Smile and accept the decision of the editor/agent if he or she isn’t interested and thank him/her for the time.
Chance Encounters
- Have the same folder ready at all times.
- Select the editors whose houses publish your genre. Memorize their faces.
- Sit at their tables at meals and be prepared to make your pitch in a minute.
- Have your list of questions ready to ask if you need further information.
- Don’t be afraid to approach or start up a conversation in the hall or elevator, but be polite, not pushy.
- Give them a business card with your information and a blurb about your book on the back of it. ( Your picture will help them remember you)
- Take classes led by the editors of interest then approach them after class to inquire if they have time to talk with you a minute or two.
- Attend the editor/agent panels and listen carefully and take notes. You never know when some new information may work in your favor.
Excellent advice! =)
Thank you so much for the tips!
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