Hello, Everyone. It's a beautiful day here in Texas. I'm really excited because after years of waiting, I finally am going to be published in a novella with my three friends. The novella is set in Mississippi where my heroine owns the Catfish House. The town of Calista near a river about 30 miles from the Gulf Coast. She is a 65 year old widow who reunites with an old friend from high school and romance blossoms. It'll be out in Spring of 2007. Hope you have a chance to meet Dottie Jean and her friends as they fall in love and make great changes in their lives.
My writing journey began in the 1940's when I wrote skits for my cousins to perform for the family and also wrote stories for my paper dolls. Some you younger friends may not be as familiar with those since Barbie came into the picture. I wrote my first novel at the age of 17 as a Freshman at Baylor University. My dream then was to become a writer. I wanted to be like Jo March of Little Women when I grew up. Well, it's taken 53 years for me to "grow up" and have my first novel published. But the wait was worth it. God had the plan all along, I just had to keep working until the plan was complete and ready to go. I know He has a purpose for my life, and I'm along for the ride to wherever He takes me.
Have a great day and I'll see you on down the road, but I'd love to hear from you before then.