Return of Cassandra Todd is a story of forgiveness and being willing to do whatever it takes to help someone in great need. As Taylor Caldwell goes about his daily routine of maintenance work at the Mountain View Motel and attending class, a flash from the past visits him. Although he’d nursed a crush on Cassandra during their high school days, she and her friends found great pleasure in demeaning and embarrassing Turner. He’d lived through it, grown six inches and put on weight. Cassandra doesn’t recognize him, but something causes her to turn to him when trouble follows her to the motel. Cassandra is a victim of abuse and has fled with her young son, Justin, to escape the injuries and threats from her husband. When Turner hears her story, his heart goes out to her and in a story of courage and determination, Turner, with the help of Loretta, owner of the motel, faces the dangers and the enemy. He sets Cassandra free from her past and directs her feet on a path to the future. What is Turner’s place in that future? That my dear friends, is for you to find out as you read this new story from Darrel Nelson. You won’t be sorry.
Answer the question and leave a comment for a chance for a either a copy of Darrel's book or an Amazon gift card. Also follow the blog and get another chance for the book.
Drawing will be on Sunday and the winner announced on Monday.
I haven't read this book yet, but I have read Mr Nelson's other book, The Anniversary Waltz, and being a former student of Mr Nelson's, I'd love a chance to win his book. He has always been my favorite teacher, ever since he read the "Soup" books to us in class, by Robert Newton Peck. I'm collecting those books now so I can read them to my children.
I would love to win the book, "The Return of Cassandra Todd" to give to my Church Library.
Thanks for the opportunity to do so.
Janet E.
This book sounds really good! I'd love for a chance to win!
Joi booksbyjoiatcopelandclandotcom
I can't wait to read this book. I loved Anniversary Waltz and I know this won't dissapoint. Another Great book from a Great Author!!
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