Recently, Martha featured my latest romance novel, Under the Redwood Tree, on her blog. That story is the first book in a series of contemporary romances I’m writing for Heartsong Presents. In almost all of my Heartsong Presents romances you’ll find an element of mystery or suspense. When I first plotted Seasons of Love, my first novel, the story ended up having elements from both the mystery and the suspense genre and I realized then that I prefer a romance with those elements.
I enjoy reading romantic suspense, but in writing for Heartsong the story must focus on the romance. That means that no matter if there is a suspense element or not, the heart of the story revolves around the romance between hero and heroine. The romance can exist on its own without any other plot elements.
Even though I enjoy reading romantic suspense, so I’m familiar with the genre, I had to take a completely different approach when writing my first romantic suspense for Love Inspired Suspense—Freezing Point. For LIS, the romance and the suspense plot are both integral to the story. From the first chapter, readers want to see a plot that is both suspenseful and fast-paced. The suspense plot is at the core and the romance is connected to the suspense plot so deeply, that pulling out the romance will kill the story. Neither plot element can survive without the other in a romantic suspense.
Depending on the publishing house, well-paced dialogue will carry most of the story rather than large sections of internalization or description. For me, writing romantic suspense is much easier than writing romance. That might be because its fast-paced so the story goes swiftly for me as the writer and it makes for a quick and fun read for you as the reader.

Now it's our readers' turn. Elizabeth is giving away a copy of her book to one of you lucky readers.
Leave a comment and answer the question below to enter the drawing.
Do you enjoy reading suspense thrillers or mysteries? Why or why not?
Please leave your email address so we can contact you. Only those with an email contact will be entered. Sorry this must be limited to the United States and Canada.
Do I enjoy reading suspense thrillers? Absolutely! I grew up reading Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney books, then was thrilled when I first discovered Terri Blackstock's novels back in the late 1990's. Now I much prefer to read Christian fiction, and am thankful for all those who bless us with solid Christian-based suspense novels. I've not read any of Beth's books, but would enjoy the opportunity.
Teri--I'm with you. Grew up reading VH and PW! Loved those stories. Maybe that's why even my romance novels have a suspense or mystery element in them.
I found your observation interesting that you find writing romantic suspense "easier" than writing romance because a lot of action is already inherent in that sort of plotline. I was saying the same thing to another writer friend of mine just the other day and it's nice to know I'm not alone in that feeling. I love the pacing and plotting of your books. Please enter me into your drawing.
I love thrillers, suspense, and mysteries (Christian, that is), and would love to read a book by Elizabeth.
I love this genre as I have a mind that is always looking for the perpetrator. I love the real forensics and cold case programs.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I enjoy romance more than suspense. Although, I also enjoy a good suspense book. I think that my preference is romance.
Romance, historical romance has always been my favorite, and I feel I need to enlarge my reading territory. LOL I have enjoyed reading Christian suspense, the few I've read - and am adding other genres to my favorites. Thank you for this nice giveaway and the chance to win. I hope I'm a winner.
Barb Shelton
barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com
Stacey, that's what's so great about romantic suspense--you get them both!
Lisa, it's funny that some thing writing suspense is more difficult because they then have to come up with the suspense plot and mystery/puzzle. Not everyone's mind works like that.
Linda, if you enjoy mysteries, you might enjoy THE CAMERA NEVER LIES. It recently won the Carol Award. I've had so many people tell me they were completely surprised by the villain.
I enjoy reading and writing romantic suspense and have a Christian romantic suspense titled LAST RESORT published. I have another releasing in January. I love both the romance and the suspense entwined, and I love one that keeps me guessing until the end. Blessings, BJ Robinson
Do I? Yes I really enjoy suspense, and romantic suspense. Keep them coming. Please include me in the drawing.
Rachel at
Thanks for dropping by. Linda is the winner of our book. Three of you forgot to leave your email address for notification.
I really enjoy suspense/mystery/romance and just about anything that can hold my attention ... lol
would love to read this sounds fantastic
julie lippo
I love suspense thrillers and mystery. Add a little romance and I can read all day. Reading has been my way of coping when I am down or feeling sad. It always picks me up when I read even more then TV or movies. lol
I would love to read this great story.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
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