Having been to all the ACFW (ACRW) conferences, I have many wonderful memories. Outstanding among them are meeting Brandilyn Collins and Ruth Seamands, Deb Raney, Tamela Hancock Murray, and Karen Kingsbury in Kansas City. I was in awe of these ladies. Getting my tote bag signed by them and so many more was fun. Also met Tracie and Jim Peterson during the welcome reception on Thursday night and learned that they were very friendly and easy to talk to.
Here is a list of special memories:
Rachel Hauk's beautiful smile and way of making everyone feel special.
Finding out editors are real people.
Sharing a room with two ladies who were strangers on Thursday, but great friends by Saturday.
Leaving my brand new
Eyes of Elisha on the table in the lobby of the hotel when our shuttle showed up and having Joyce Hart find it and get it back to me by way of another member. (I think that book traveled more than I did.)
Floating body parts
Brandilyn/Deb "feud"
"The Hand"
Anita Higman's hog-calling
Having a bunch of members who came in early on Wednesday to Houston at my house for dinner that night.
Patti Miller praying for me during a large group session
Kim Sawyer praying with me before an editor's appointment
Jim Peterson praying for me during an editor's appointment
Anne Goldsmith's crazy games
Meeting my on-line critique partner, Elizabeth Curtis
Eating breakfast with my agent and getting to know her better. (Hi, Tamela)
Seeing Ruth S. every year
Francine Rivers' moving testimony
"Taking down and closing up" the bookstore. (When you're tired, you do crazy things)
Having hotel guests look at us with wary eyes as we discussed WIPS and things we were doing to heroines.
And the list could go on and on. The conference not only is the place to network and meet editors, but it also a place to make dozens of new friends, meet your favorite author, be inspired and motivated, learn the craft of writing, and realize you're not in this game alone.
Hope to see a whole big bunch of you in Dallas next month. For more information, visit the ACFW website:
http://acfw.net also members can then log onto the Forums and get more info from other members.